Self-Care: Be Kind to Yourself
| Yong Li

What is self-care
Self-care is consciously tending to your own physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
It’s a broad concept that encompasses just about anything you do to be good to yourself.
Misconceptions about self-care
Self-care is not a one-time activity. It’s an ongoing process.
Self-care is not a luxury. It’s a necessity for wellness.
Self-care is not indulgent or frivolous. It doesn’t have to cost anything.
Self-care is not only for certain people. It's for everyone.
Self-care not about forcing yourself to do something you think you should do. It's activities that you enjoy.
The importance of self-care
When we don’t make time to care for ourselves, we’re often left feeling overwhelmed, tired, and ill-equipped to handle life’s inevitable challenges; much less, care for those around us.
Taking intentional steps to care for yourself through activities that enhance your well-being makes you better able to live your best life.
What does self-care mean to you?
Self-care is personal. It looks different for everyone and is not a one-size-fits-all. What does self-care look like to you?
Self-care activities can take multiple forms including physical, mental, emotional, and social.
There are two main keys to finding and practicing self-care:
#1. Do what helps you feel good (and is good for you)
#2. Embrace your self-care activities without guilt
To help you determine what your personal self-care activities look like, consider your answers to these questions:
What activities make me feel at peace?
When do I feel the happiest and full of life?
When do I feel tension release from my neck, shoulders, and jaw? What am I doing when this tension goes away?
With whom am I spending time when I feel an increase in energy, strength, and hope?
Self-care suggestions
Here are some suggestions for self-care activities. Pick the ones that resonate with you and set the rest aside. Then, start your own list of self-care ideas and refer to it often!
Physical -
Create a relaxing evening skincare routine
Get a massage or acupuncture
Make sleep a priority and nap when you need to
Take a bath with epsom salt and massage oil
Dance freely to your favorite songs
Go for a walk in nature
Take a leisurely bicycle ride
Bake homemade bread
Plant a flower or vegetable garden
Mental/Emotional -
Allow yourself to truly feel your feelings -- name them, accept them, and move on (feelings are neither good nor bad)
Replace negative self-talk with positive self affirmations
Reduce the amount of “I should” in your day
Set boundaries for yourself and choose what you allow (don’t say “yes” when you want to say “no”)
Keep a journal and be honest about your feelings (even if you shred the page after you write it, writing down how you feel is therapeutic)
Practice self-compassion by placing your hand on your heart and tell yourself 3-5 things you love and appreciate about yourself
Meditate for 5 minutes
Lie down and listen to comforting music
Make a daily list of 5-10 things that you’re grateful for
Talk with a therapist (even if just for 4-6 sessions)
Let yourself cry when you need to
Do something creative (paint, draw, cross-stitch, or write a poem)
Social -
Take a pottery, painting, or jewelry-making class
Join a community club or group
Write a “just because” card to someone who means a lot to you
Have a picnic with a good friend
Follow social media accounts that empower you (and unfollow those that don’t)
Deliberately seek out what makes you laugh
Stay on top of your self-care
Pay attention to when your energy and resources are running low, and make time for self-care activities before you get to the point of exhaustion and overload.
Benefits of self-care
Self-care activities can support your well-being in a multitude of ways, including:
Improved sleep
Reduced pain and stiffness in your body
Increased emotional awareness
Mental clarity
Stress reduction
Increased self-esteem
More focus on your life’s priorities
Supported immune system
Increased self-awareness
More compassion for yourself and others
Be good to yourself
Being good to yourself is not being stingy or selfish. In fact, it’s one of the best things you can do for yourself and others. Compassion is similar to filling a bucket -- you can’t give to others if you don’t have enough of your own.
So go ahead and give yourself permission to take time for yourself. To nurture yourself...guilt-free. You’ll likely be a better human for it. And that’s something the world can use more of. :)
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Self-Care: Be Kind to Yourself
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